All functions |
Add missing columns for specification |
check if all values of two vectors match |
Computes means for various slices of a regression_spec by betas product. |
Bin a variable along a range |
Function that fully bootstraps rows |
Capture print output |
Check if algorithm exists |
Method for getting coefficients from fitted qs model |
helper function, collapse using correct method |
Check which rows of a matrix match a whole vector |
Convert SparseM row compressed matrix to Matrix dgC matrix |
Find cube root of the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d=0 |
Derivative of a cubic root |
Find cube root of the form ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d=0 |
Calculate cubic roots using the Rconics package |
helper function, borrowed from foreach |
Convert matrix to a SparseM csr matrix |
Calculate distributional effects |
run function only with arguments that match the arguments for f |
Set bootstrap cores on load + welcome messages |
Ensure that a regression specification is full rank |
Evaluate CDF given quantiles and residuals |
Evaluate PDF given quantiles and residuals |
Evaluate CDF given quantiles and residuals |
A function to evaluate the quantile or density of given data based on normal distribution |
Estimate a single quantile regression |
Compute quantile regression via accelerated gradient descent using Huber approximation, warm start based on data subset |
Fit a quantile regression w/ a lasso penalty |
Compute quantile regression via accelerated gradient descent using Huber approximation, warm start based on data subset |
Get column numbers given starting values and regression specification |
Get user defined cores |
Computes the rank of a matrix. Outputs consistent results across various matrix types. |
Function which gets resampled rows |
Function that returns the correct weights for weighted bootstrap |
Finds which column of X has the intercept term |
Calculates the marginal effects of an N x p matrix (wide-format) of qreg coefficients |
Get clusters for subsampling given a formula |
Get the data inside the s4 slot of this sparse matrix class |
Glob observations w/ residuals above a certain magnitude |
Glob observations w/ residuals above a certain magnitude |
Inverse of a matrix, but catches the error |
Search for optimal lambda via cross-validation |
Function that doesn't reorder rows (for weighted bootstrap) |
Make a plan for the future parallel backend |
Make matrix into a "standard error" matrix |
Map a function along a list in parallel |
Map a function along rows of a matrix or data.frame |
Get all marginal effects of variables in the fit |
Convert Matrix Sparse Matrix to SparseM row compressed matrix |
Convert Matrix Sparse Matrix to SparseM row compressed matrix |
Get marginal effects at a set of levels for the covariates |
Imputation function to be used with the mice package |
return NA if argument is null |
Pad vector of strings based on longest length |
Visualize distributional effects |
Smoothed Quantile Regression with Post-Processing |
Predict quantiles given fitted spacings model |
Print qs summary |
Print method for quantspace marginal effects |
Print qs summary |
Generate warning messages for regression model |
Computes the tail parameters and the second derivatives given quantiles |
Drop Colinear Columns from dense matrix |
Compute quantile regressions via quantile spacings |
Control quantreg_spacing parameters |
Quadratic form of the cubic polynomial |
Lower level function which calculates the quantile spacing regression coefficients |
Randomly assign fold ids |
Runs quantile regression on residuals of the model (calculates spaces around jstar quantile) |
Reorder coefficients in case intercept wasn't the first term |
For copying matrices as in Matlab (works for sparse matrices) |
Rescale coefficients estimated on scaled data to match unscaled data |
Method for getting residuals from fitted qs model |
Function for calculating Pseudo-R^2 values Evaluates the check objective function (possibly weighted) for QREG |
Round if x is numeric, otherwise don't |
Quantile Regression approximated w/ huber loss |
Version that complies with more general requirements |
Quantile Regression w/ Lasso Penalty |
Quantile Regression w/ Lasso Penalty |
Version that complies with more general requirements |
Sparse Regression Quantile Fitting with Weights |
Quantile regression approximated w/ huber loss followed by post-processing |
Scale matrix for lasso regression |
Control standard_errors parameters |
For sequencing along probabilities |
Create sparse diagonal matrix with vector x on diagonal |
Return column sums of matrix |
Compute quantiles given parameter coefficients and data |
Drop Colinear Columns from sparse matrix |
A function to conduct the interpolation given data and fitted quantiles |
Computes standard errors for the quantile regression spacing method using subsampling. |
Function that fully bootstraps rows |
creates a table of summary output for a qs object |